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Professor Xia Baoyu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology visited the Junwu Forum of our university


On April 23, Professor Xia Baoyu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology was invited by our University to visit the lecture hall of Junwu University of our University. She gave an academic report on the topic of "Carbon dioxide Catalysis in Proton exchange membrane System" for teachers and students of our university. Yin Shibin, vice president of our school, presided over the report, and more than 300 students and teachers of our school listened to the report.

In the report, Professor Xia Baoyu introduced his scientific research achievements in carbon dioxide electroreduction to formic acid in proton exchange membrane system, especially breakthroughs in catalyst design and reaction mechanism research, and elaborated the importance and challenges of carbon dioxide electroreduction technology. At the same time, we encourage everyone to combine scientific research with reality, actively explore and innovate, and contribute wisdom and strength to promote the development of relevant fields. The participating teachers and students also had active interaction with Professor Xia Baoyu, and the atmosphere of the report was warm and harmonious.