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The leaders of our college carry out special Party lessons on Party discipline learning and education


In order to further improve the political literacy of party members and play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, on June 27, Zhou Liya, secretary of the Party Committee and president of the College, gave the Party branch of the Department of Applied Chemistry, the sixth Party branch of the graduate student and the fourth Party Branch of the undergraduate student the Party discipline learning and education theme Party class in Classroom 301, Building 3 of the College.

Party Secretary, president Zhou Liya lectures

Secretary Zhou Liya, secretary of the Party Committee and president of the College, gave an in-depth explanation in the lecture from three aspects of the meaning, theme and specific interpretation of the revision, focusing on the important spirit and focus of the revised content of the Regulations. She stressed that the study and implementation of the Regulations is an important political task for Party members, to promote self-revolution with strict discipline, to internalize honesty and self-discipline in the heart and externalize in the practice, and to ensure high-quality development with fine disciplinary style. Party members attending the meeting have expressed that they must practice the Party's discipline requirements with practical actions and contribute to the development of the country and society.

This activity effectively enhanced the discipline awareness of party members and promoted the ability of party members to transform theoretical knowledge into practical work.