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The Party branch of the Department of Chemical Engineering of our college carried out the theme of "Inheriting red genes, keeping in mind the mission of the original heart"


In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party, carry forward the great spirit of building the Party, and further promote the study and education of Party discipline, on July 12, the Party branch of the Department of Chemical Engineering of our college went to the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Museum to carry out the theme of "Inheriting the red gene, remembering the mission of the original heart".

On the same day, all Party members visited the exhibition hall of "Beacon Fire Southern Xinjiang - Guangxi Modern and Modern Revolutionary History Exhibition". The exhibition focuses on the revolutionary years and major achievements made by the people of all ethnic groups in Guangxi under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, reflecting the great course of Chinese Communists' hard work and perseverance. In addition, the exhibition appropriately uses scenes, models, sculptures, multimedia and other forms to display the revolutionary historical facts and spiritual connotations in a multi-level and all-round way, revealing the red code of the land of Baigi and inherits the red gene.

Members of the branch visit "Beacon in Southern Xinjiang - Guangxi Modern Revolutionary History Exhibition"

The party members of the branch exchanged views on the spread of Marxism in Guangxi

Through the visit and study, Party members and comrades have said that they must keep in mind the original mission, inherit the red gene, inherit the legacy of their ancestors, and forge ahead with strong spiritual strength.