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Guangxi University invites overseas talents to apply for 2024 Overseas Outstanding Youth


I. School profile

Guangxi University is located in Nanning, the capital of Guangxi, which is known as "China's Green City". It is the only national "Project 211" construction school in Guangxi, "double first-class" construction university, and "Ministry of Education and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region people's government jointly built" university.

The school has a complete range of disciplines, including philosophy, classics, law, education, arts, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and art. There are 1 "world-class" construction discipline, 2 "provincially and region-jointly built" first-class discipline groups, 2 national key disciplines, 1 national key (cultivation) discipline, 12 Guangxi first-class disciplines, 46 national first-class undergraduate specialty construction points, 19 doctoral degree authorization points in first-level disciplines, 1 doctoral degree authorization point, 38 master degree authorization points in first-level disciplines. 25 master's degree programs and 14 post-doctoral research centers. Seven disciplines, including engineering, Materials science, Agricultural Science, Plant and Zoology, Chemical science, Environmental science/ecology, and Biology and biochemistry, are ranked in the top 1% of ESI's global rankings. There are 2 national key laboratories, 1 national international science and technology cooperation base, 1 national university intelligence platform, 2 key laboratories and 2 engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education, 1 national and regional research base of the Ministry of Education, 2 provincial and ministerial collaborative innovation centers, 1 key laboratory of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, and other national and ministerial research platforms. It also has 45 provincial and ministerial science and technology innovation platforms, and 4 key research bases of humanities and social sciences in Guangxi universities. The University actively builds a new pattern of opening up to the outside world, has signed academic cooperation and exchange agreements with 279 universities and academic institutions in 48 countries and regions around the world, and has close cooperation and exchanges with 96 universities and academic institutions in the ten ASEAN countries.

The school attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation and social service, vigorously promotes interdisciplinary integration, strives to build a leading team and innovative talent team, promotes comprehensive first-class ten projects, and has produced a number of original achievements with significant impact.

Ii. Project introduction

In order to further improve the talent funding system of Science Foundation, give full play to the function of Science Foundation in introducing and training talents, and attract outstanding young talents from overseas to return to China, the National Natural Science Foundation Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Natural Science Foundation Committee) has set up the National Natural Science Foundation Outstanding Young Science Fund Project (Overseas) since 2021. The Overseas Outstanding Young Scholars Program aims to attract and encourage outstanding overseas young scholars (including non-Chinese foreign talents) who have made good achievements in natural science and engineering technology to return to China to work, independently choose their research directions to carry out innovative research, promote the rapid growth of young scientific and technological talents, and cultivate a group of outstanding academic backbone who are expected to enter the forefront of world science and technology. Contribute to the construction of a powerful country in science and technology.

(1) Application conditions

1. Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, and consciously practice the spirit of scientists in the new era;

2. Date of birth after 1 January 1984 (inclusive);

3. Have a doctoral degree;

4. The main research direction is natural science, engineering technology, etc.;

5. Before March 15, 2024, after obtaining the doctoral degree, students should generally obtain formal teaching or research positions in overseas universities, scientific research institutions, and enterprise research and development institutions, and have more than 36 months of continuous work experience; Those who have obtained a doctoral degree overseas and have made particularly outstanding achievements may appropriately relax the working life requirements;

6. Have obtained scientific research or technical achievements recognized by peer experts, and have the development potential to become academic leaders or outstanding talents in the field;

7. The applicant has not yet returned to China for full-time work, or returned to China for work after January 1, 2023; After receiving the grant notice, you must resign from your overseas job or have no job overseas and return to China full-time to work for at least 3 years.

(2) Requirements for limited items

To implement the requirements of the relevant departments of the central government on the coordination and convergence of the national scientific and technological talents plan. The national scientific and technological talents plan at the same level can only undertake one item, and cannot be applied against the level.

Note: The above information is compiled according to the situation of previous sessions. If there is any change, the 2024 project guide shall prevail.

3. National project funding

(1) Subsidy amount: 1 million to 3 million yuan

(2) Funding period: 3 years

Iv. School post treatment

(1) The school provides benefits

1. Appointment position: Appointed as academic leader, professional title appointed as professor (fully funded), doctoral supervisor, giving priority to master's and doctoral student enrollment targets.

2. Salary: no less than 600,000 yuan per year (excluding other post allowances stipulated by national and autonomous region talent policies). Excluding the doctoral supervisor allowance of 24,000 yuan/year and the housing provident fund and social security paid by the university, about 40,000-80,000 yuan/year.

3. Housing security: The school will provide a resettlement fee of 100,000 yuan, and provide rental housing of about 110 square meters. Special circumstances can apply for housing subsidies.

4. Supporting scientific research: The school adopts the "one event, one discussion", and provides supporting scientific research platform construction funds and scientific research start-up funds of not less than 3 million yuan according to the situation.

5. Children's education: Children can enjoy quality kindergarten, primary and junior high education.

6. Placement of spouse: eligible for transfer or with a doctor's degree can enter the school career establishment; The rest of the extra-staff recruitment, according to the actual situation of the spouse, if the school meets the conditions of open recruitment, can be settled according to open recruitment.