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Visit the dormitory, warm care


In order to further care about students' lives, understand the dynamics of students' thoughts, and establish trust and contact between students and counselors, recently, Liu Li, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the College and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee, Wang Yipin, secretary of the Youth League Committee of the College, counselors and teachers visited students' dormitories, communicated with students, and investigated the security risks in the dormitories.

Liu Li said that the dormitory is a place for students to live and study, and enhancing safety awareness can make them more alert to potential safety hazards. In each visit to the student dormitory, the college's counselors and teachers carefully check the possible safety risks in the dormitory and remind students to pay attention to safety problems.

"If students have any problems in study or life, they can communicate with the teachers at any time." After the safety inspection, Ms. Liu Li took the initiative to understand the students' daily life, academic situation and psychological state, listened to what the students saw, heard and thought, patiently answered the students' problems and worries, and encouraged the students to be more active and full into the study.

During the visit, Mr. Wang inspected the infrastructure and health conditions of students' dormitories and reminded students to help each other and work together to create a safer, healthy and harmonious living environment.

In the future, college counselors will continue to visit students' dormitories and work with students to build a safe and comfortable dormitory environment.