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Carry on the past and forge ahead -- the 21st Graduate Student Congress of our college was successfully held


On December 21, the 21st Graduate Student Congress of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Guangxi University was successfully held in the lecture hall of Building 1 of our college. Mr. Liu Li, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Mr. Fan Minguang, Mr. Zhao Zhen Xia, Mr. Yin Shibin and Mr. Jiang Jun attended the meeting. Representatives of the graduate Student Association, the graduate student association of the other colleges and the graduate student representatives of the college attended the meeting.

The leaders and representatives took a group photo

Before the conference was officially held, our college held the 21st graduate student Congress preparatory meeting. The meeting listened to the preparatory report of the 21st Graduate Student Congress, deliberated and adopted the methods for electing the presidium of the 21st Graduate Student Association and the agenda of the conference.

The conference opened with the solemn national anthem. Vice President Jiang Jun addressed the conference at the opening meeting, encouraging the Graduate Student Association to focus on the growth of young people, constantly strengthen the construction of the graduate Student Association, and constantly enhance the ability to serve the work of the school center.

Vice President Jiang Jun addressed the conference

Vice President Jiang Jun addressed the conferenceIn his speech, Luo Anluo, executive chairman of the Graduate Student Association of the University, spoke highly of the work of the Graduate Student Association of the University in the past year and expressed warm congratulations on the convening of this conference.

Luo Anluo, Executive Chairman of the Graduate Student Association, delivered a speech

Li Hanfei, executive chairman of the 20th Graduate Student Association of our college, delivered a work report, which comprehensively reviewed the work and achievements of the Graduate Student Association in the past year, focused on the efforts and effects in ideological education, organizational reform and other aspects, and made plans for the work of the next graduate Student Association.

Li Hanfei gave a report on the work of the 20th Graduate Student Union

At the meeting, all the delegates elected the members of the Bureau of the 21st Graduate Student Association by secret ballot, upholding the fair, just and open election process: Cui Yuanqing, Liu Jichun, Xiong Zehui. Finally, all the participants sang the school song, and the conference ended in song.

This conference is a grand gathering of the youth of our college, which opens up a new situation in the work of our Graduate Student Union, and points out the direction for the continuous deepening of reform and comprehensive and healthy development of the Graduate Student Union in the future.