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The men's football team of our college won the runner-up in the school competition


At 16:30 PM Beijing time on November 22, 2022, the final of the men's football match of the Guangxi University Sports Meeting was held in the West Campus Stadium. The two sides were the men's football team of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (hereinafter referred to as "our College") and the men's football team of the College of Mechanical Engineering.

In regular time, the two sides were tied 1-1, and the game went into a wonderful and cruel penalty shootout. The goalkeeper of our college, Lu Longjian from the research 223 class, played a brave role, continuously saved the key penalty, and helped the team to win the opponent 4:3 (total score 5:4). The men's football team of our college finally won the runner-up in this event.


Liu Li, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the hospital, presented the award to the team.