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The closing ceremony of the 15th Graduate Academic Forum was successfully held


At 3 PM on May 27, 2022, the closing ceremony of the 90th anniversary activities of our Institute and the 15th "Brilliant Ninth Rank, Prosperous World Building Dreams" graduate Academic Forum was successfully held in the stairway classroom of Building 1 of our Institute. Attending the closing ceremony forum were Mr. Zhang Jing, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, and Mr. Wei Yongrui, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee. Four students, Huang Jing, Wang Xingyao, Zhang Dashui and Zhu Zhaorong, were invited to give speeches as guests.

First of all, Mr. Zhang Jing, secretary of the Youth League Committee of the College, delivered a speech for the closing ceremony of the sub-forum. The graduate academic Forum has set up a good platform for students to explore the academic research direction, exchange academic research methods, and display academic research results, and has demonstrated the positive and innovative spirit of our school in the fierce discussion. In her speech, Teacher Zhang Jing also placed high expectations and good wishes on the students, hoping that the students will continue to carry forward the academic spirit and actively participate in academic activities in the future.

> Then, Huang Jing gave a research report. From the research background, she introduced the sources and hazards of pollutants, the methods of detection and removal, and shared her learning experience: first, there is planning and logic. Whether it is the sequence of experiments, or the chapters of the paper, it should be logical and meaningful; The second is to choose the leader on the road of scientific research. If you have any questions, communicate with your teachers and classmates; The third is to pay attention to detail and be organized. Literature research, experiments, data processing, writing papers, every link down-to-earth; Fourth, we must persevere and accumulate steadily.

Then, Wang Xingyao gave a speech on the summary of learning experience and scientific research achievements, research work report and sharing of experience and experience. In the experience, he explained with three "do not" : do not disconnect with the tutor, have a problem feedback; Do not fight alone, mutual help and support can make you twice as effective; Do not draw a prison, self-restraint, thinking interaction and collision can maximize the efficiency of scientific research.

Zhang Dashhui then introduced the introduction of bionic electrochromic technology, experimental design and process, and personal summary. From the five aspects of reading, diligence, perseverance, thinking and communication, he proposed to read at least30latest papers and read other relevant references. Always pay attention to the research progress and development trend in the field, and systematically and accurately summarize the previous work and plan the future goals.

Finally, Zhu Zhaorong communicated with the students from his own learning experience, honors and research direction, and seriously answered the questions raised by the students.

In the interactive communication session, the students present actively discussed and raised questions, followed by four students patiently answered, and put forward their own ideas from their own scientific research experience. In the question-and-answer exchange of ideas, inspiration collision, mutual learning, mutual reference.

Finally, the host announced the successful conclusion of the academic conference of the sub-forum, and the guests and staff took a group photo on stage.

In the process of this closing sub-forum academic conference, the students of our school triggered all-round thinking through the collision of ideas, and more clearly defined the glory of being a chemical worker. The successful holding of this graduate academic Forum is conducive to the construction of the college's excellent academic style of rigorous and innovative graduate students, and plays an important role in creating an innovative, lively and open academic atmosphere.